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Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is the largest student-business organization and is oriented towards preparing students for the future in business-related careers. The FBLA-PBL Mission is to unite education and business together via creative and outstanding leadership as well as programs that encourage career development. FBLA-PBL has almost a quarter of a million members spread out among the United States as well as Puerto Rico and Europe.

Lynbrook FBLA members at a conference.

Lynbrook FBLA is immensely successful in business development. With over 130 members and an existence of over 10 years, Lynbrook FBLA strives to help its members to achieve successful business-related careers. The club keeps in contact with Berkeley PBL and engages in many creative fundraising ventures: for example, we sell and distribute Rose Grams during Valentine's Day that students can send to one another. The club also offers numerous community service activities, business conferences, and organizes socials for all to attend.

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